Monday, May 30, 2011

Kenai/Soldotna-May 29, 2011

May 29, 2011 – We filled up the truck tonight and discovered we have driven 6,670 miles since we left home a little over a month ago.  We are having a fantastic time.  We went to Church this morning with Jerry and Reva.  We meant some really great people and they gave us some terrific information on what to see, how to fish, and where the bear are.  We drove to Cooper’s Landing about 50 miles away and did not see one bear.  We saw the signs that said, you are in Bear Country, beware of your surroundings.  Seriously!!!  I could have done a little dance, sang a little song, jumped up and down and nothing.  No bear to be seen and tomorrow is another day.  We are taking the Wildlife Cruise from Seward to Fox Island.  Although it doesn’t promise I will see a bear, it does say I will see Wildlife!!!  By the way Chrissy, you were so right with your recommendation of the external hard drive.  You’re so smart!!!!  It has really been a great thing to put our pictures on and make our computer faster.  Thanks for spending your inheritance!!!!, we don't mind that.  It really wasn't that much. You’re the best, and thank you for being so patient and helping us out at midnight. J  You saved me when I thought I lost everything I had written.   We love you a bunch!!! Mom/Marilyn

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